Shining Moments
There are a few bright shining, glorious moments in my life to which i am proud to lay claim-moments where i felt like i was actually big enough to fill my own shoes; where my effforts actually mattered or made a difference or where i was recognized for being exceptional! where i was living the life i was intended to lead......
1. Went up to humboldt county, ca & climbed a 100 ft redwood tree
2. Landmark Education
3. Laser hair removal
4. Snuck out of my best friend's house senior yr of high school to go make out w/ my boyfriend on lake michigan
MOMENTS WORTH LIVING FOR (in no particular order)
- saving a squirrel who had fallen out of a tree
- getting my scathing anti animal cruelty article published in the Catalina paper and then having people come up to me all week telling me how inspiring it was
- lobbying the state asssembly for the heritage tree preservation act
- meeting Julia Butterflly
- moving up 7 chairs at Interlochen
- 5th chair all state honors band, senior year in high school. i was the 5th ranked flutist in the state!
- making the u of i marching illini
- saving an orphaned kitten
- writing the winning mlk essay for a $500 scholarship
- getting all As in design school
- having my work showcased in the smc academy showcase
- interlochen- being one of the rest of us
- not missing a single spelling word all year in 7th and 8th grades
- having my article on my activist lobby day read to my 75 selp classmates
- my 1st kiss
- my birthday beach party on catalina
- my birthday beach party on dockweiler
- valentine's day sr yr of HS; my boyfriend sent his class ring tied up in the bow of a teddy bear
- praire burning w/ tom
- IMEA- 4 Scottish Dances- floating on the ceiling ; playing in a fantastic band
- Sitting around at the farm singing bob dylan songs to acoustic guitar with the hippies
- Albuquerque balloon festival
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