Will Firefly ever fly free?
today's mammo was supposed to just be a quick check, all clear, then i an go w/ my mind at ease.
i've been soaking in epson salts with peroxide,
taking numerous supplements
staying away from sugar and coffee
putting castor oil packs on....
yet it was all fucked up.
recommendation- surgical biopsy.
2 fucking weeks before my plane takes off?
what the bloody fuck?
why can't i just go like every other person who gets the notion in her head to travel?
why does it have to be so hard? why does it feel like such a fight? why does there have to be all this drama?
why did i have to get fired when i was going to quit anyway?
why did my son have to get sick? why all this medical drama?
if the shaman was right, as i've always suspected, about this being the next step and that there's nothing here for me, then why would something crop up to prevent me from going? doesn't make sense.
is it all just random? like there is no god and no order and nothing is for any reason at all? it just is. just random? i'm starting to think so.
If i had to guess, i'd say this is about fear. this started last april, as i was moving out of my apt. of 6 years- the place i loved, the one i had an unnatural attachment to. all to step into some unknown, to follow the dream that was so terrifying to me, it took me 34 years to even let myself envision it. and then a year of anticipation of it, while in a deteriorating situation at work, living with someone who is my polar opposite in living style. it's been very stressful.
if i had to guess, i'd say this is Virgochild's last card she has to play. 'well, if i can't talk any sense into ya, i can't manipulate you by guilt, then i'll break down your body to keep you here, to keep you safe.'
how ridiculous. there really is no such place
i told my friend Ro, that cancer is a disease of resentment. what did i resent tho?
and i realized it's my parents, for creating that virgo child in my head. my mother is in my head. to appease them, i split in 2, creating 2 different personas- the good little girl who plays it safe and conservative, according to their standards, and firefly, the essence of who i really am. find it amazing actually, that i kept my spirit in tact by creating another person.
what i resent them for is the war that's been raging in me all my life, against these 2 forces. i resent them for instilling in me all their bullshit, small minded values, for being so critical and judgemental and unaccepting of me; for trying to control me.
maybe i take that resentment out on my body because i feel like they've been internalized in me.
crazy, far fetched?
all i know is that this whole trip- getting to SA- has felt like a struggle. i feel like if i just get there......
i'll have made it. and to come soooo close?...........
i can't stay here sitting around at the whims of surgeons, like a carved up piece of meat, letting them cut into my body. doctors, hospitals, sterile rooms without windows. then what? where? how to make an income while i'm sitting around waiting. that whole process takes any control out of my hands. i'm again a tree in the wind, waiting for someone else to decide my fate. that's what all this resentment was in the first place- feeling like i have no choice.
i can't see how waiting around for them to cut or poison something out of me, feeling envious and slighted that everyone else gets to travel and i don't, will create any healing.
just seems like this is one last ditch effort to stop me from taking that step into the future, into the unknown.