Wednesday, October 26, 2005

On Holiday

i've been feeling like a maladjusted freak for being so stressed out over normal things like cell phones and bitchy coworkers that i need to run away to another continent.

i thought that there must be something way wrong with me for feeling this way. but the more travel sites i stumble across, the more common it seems. these aren't just retirees spending their hard earned money. these are young people like me who've had enough and realized that life is more than office politics and the latest suv. i've heard it refered to as 'career breaks', 'career transitions', 'vacations' and 'burn out'.

and, most of these sites are constructed by brits and aussies, who seem to realize the importance of getting away, "on holiday", as they call it.

the events of late add a lot of weight to my side of the argument. even the most small minded conservatives, like my parents, raise the biggest objection over losing the security of my job. well, hello, the way things are going this week, i'm concerned that it may not even be here the 5 more months left until i leave. bad numbers on the books are one thing. when they start inventorying computers and hardware and recievables and web stats, i gotta wonder if my job will even be there next month!

at any rate, i'm soooo ready to go.


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