Tuesday, December 13, 2005

More angry ramblings

shitty day at work
not as shity as i thought it would be
or in a different way i guess
worked through lunch and was 1/2 hour over
didn't get in a fight with satan, surprisingly
but with the boss -over satan

he doesn't want to hear about how his instant messenger is so friggin loud that it sounds like it's coming from my computer, when in fact, it's in the next room!!!
or how i'm doing his job while he plays around on that all damn day

aggravating to no end
but what can i do about it? he's the boss
you know?
why do i care?
satan can't even put together a runsheet once a week
can't or won't take the time to take out expired ads
has no idea what's running when
his desk is piled 2 feet tall in disorganized papers

knowing all that, what does boss man do?
he decides to put him in charge of legal notices!
these are the ones that have to run specific dates
have to be typed or written just so- in black ink,
very precise. involves a good amount of filing and keeping shit together
does anyone else see this coming?

whoooo saaaaaaa
i'm fucking sayin'

on the other hand, i'm tired of everything sucking so much
tired of the constant frustration i live in
my mother does just this- gets frustrated at the incompetent people she was working with,
and look at what a nut case she is. or how ridiculous it seems to the rest of the world, that she gets so worked up over things like this
i don't want to be like that
i mean, it IS his company. it's not my problem if he wants to keep the biggest boob in on the planet working there, or promote him, no less

i don't know.
why can't things be different?


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