Insights from the Looney Bin
As the Monday frustration level has already spiked at 'let's go take a woooooo saaaaa walk' at 10:45 in the AM because i cannot TAKE it anymore, i'm having some insights today. Instead of blowing up, i decided to take it in and let the feeling pass through me, kindof introspectively.
Here are some insights i had:
1. My boss and i have a COMPLETELY different stance on collections.
2. I hate bullshit. and mind games. the big H-A-T-E. that's why i'll never be a little corporate cog in a little corporate cube. or at the front desk of a hotel for that matter. you see, my feeling is, if someone doesn't pay, then pull their ad. period. give them x time frame, and if they haven't paid by then, pull them. his idea is to ask, beg, plead, use psychology and whatnot, while all the while, running up a 2 ton tab. now you see, why make things that difficult for yourself, or for more importantly , ME (and perhaps this is the problem). why should we chase people around for something they're supposed to do anyway. i got the word today regarding one of our most problem accounts, 'call him up and use guilt'. for the love of god, aren't there enough mind games in the world today? it's really black and white world to me. A. you signed a contract with a promis to pay, B. it's your responsibility to pay- not mine to chase you all over creation for money. (why don't people do what they say they are going to? is there anyone left on the planet with ethics???) C. you don't pay, you don't run. PERIOD.
i just don't get this whole shrink them, chase them thing.
like i said, operating with the human race on a daily basis is hard enough without creating mind games on purpose.
3. I feel like nothing i do here matters. nothing. i'm nothing but a glorified chair warmer
4. We already know i have a thing a mile wide about 'being walked on'. story of my life. the scenario that repeats itself relentlessly in every chapter of my life. well, our company policy is just that. from the top down- "pay if you want to. if not, well, we're not gonna do anything. no consequences". and that bothers me just as much as if it were me with the soft backbone. the fact that we let customers dick us around like this, cry poor, evade calls, stiff us for money regularly and our only action is to beg them for money, well, that just makes me sick.
my roommate would have me believe that there is no inherent frustration here and that it is I who have the bad attitude. christ, i feel like i am doing everyting i can to bring money in here, and in front of me, is everyone else, each throwing buckets of money out onto the street. and here i am behind them, trying to scrape it off the sidewalk, keep them from throwing it out, etc. and everyone hates me for it. i'm the bad guy for trying.
what does pierce say in mash? 'i might as well go crazy and be inconspicuous'
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