Nowhere to go but down.....
just had to quote the gin blossoms on that one
when you disagree with the boss, that's about all there is- nowhere to go with that
satan blew up at me today, right in front of the boss, no lesss, and that, apparently was fine with the boss
it's also apparently fine with him to run ads without billing, and late billing
oh. well, what the fuck am i making myself nuts over then?
i'm arguing for the better of the company, when everyone else, including the boss, is trying their damndest to run it into the ground.
satan goes on my top 10 despicable people ever. top 10 humans that should've been eaten by their mother at birth
he storms across the office, fuming at me, and tells me to "come here". fuck that. i saw him coming towards me, barely able to contain his upcoming explosion, so stepped into the boss' office, ensuring that every poison word was heard by the boss. to no avail obviously. the boss asks us to sit. i do. he says one thing, in a bitter tone, and then storms off.
the boss obviously wants me to chase him around for his billing. i won't do it. ALL i was asking for, for the love of god, was for his billing to come in with his goddamn ads. that was too much to ask for, apparently. i was told, 'eh, let 'em run free for a week, then take them out.' NICE. fuck that. why do i try. really?
here's my day today, thanks to satan:
i get a chargeback- someone fighting a cc charge. his order. he doesn't even know it's his. never heard of it before. i give him a photocopy of his own order and i get no response from him. we have no signed contract, and he apparently has never heard of this ad that he placed himself.
2. his classified runsheet comes in. he's managed to "sell" 10 ads this week. only 5 have billing.
3. one of his billings from last week has overlapping dates. i've emailed him about it, but i get no response from him. he doesn't answer my emails.
4. it takes him 3 hours to trickle in billing for 3 out of the 5 unbilled ads. the production person is going crazy because i told her not to put in unbilled ads, and as he's getting the billing in, she has to ad them and rearrange the paper.
5. i get a returned bill- one of his mispelled addresses
6. one of his renewals has a totally new spelling of the same name. which is correct? who knows. his rampant dyslexia has cost us god knows how much on returned addresses
7. i've been told he was rifling through my files while i was gone
8. i gave him notice that 11of his ads would come out this week, because they've expired. he lets me know that one of those should come out according to him- thereby explaining how he ran his classified section up to 3 pages of expired ads
9. the above mentioned childish rant, where he comes at me with, 'i don't know what you're obsessing about the classsifieds...' and then storms out of the boss' office
jesus, i'm tired of fighting.
apparently you need to own a penis to be taken seriously at that company, and frankly, i'm OVER it.
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