I Want List
i want...
a husband just like ferris-
a passionate happy, healthy relationship
someone to cook for me
weekly massages
a house with hardwood floors, uncluttered, sparse and simple, full of color
to feel happy and content, and have good feelings instead of rage, misery, and impatience coursing through my system at all times
to not feel so bitter and envious of everyone else
to feel like what i want and need is within my reach/ that i am capable of getting them
to feel self-sustaining and capable of supporting myself
an existence where i don't have to drive much/ where driving doesn't suck so much
to make a difference; to matter
to have a tight knit group of close friends and an active social life
to never worry about or spend another birthday or new years alone (or any other holiday, for that matter)
to live in a city i love- earthy, green, warm, clean, with culture and heart
to travel every inch of the globe (well, except maybe antartica)
to do cappoeira and ice skating regularly
to learn salsa dancing
to get back down to and stay at 115 lbs
to regain the flexibility of my youth
to be active and exercise regularly
to figure out how to make a living doing something i love that pays very well and gives me the freedom to not have to work for anyone else
to be confident and secure in myself around people / not shy- eliminate the anxiety
to like meeting with and hanging out with other people
to be an inspiration
to get up in the morning and look forward to my day
to travel often
to camp and hike and do active adventurous things often
to get over my committment phobia
to be confident and happy and secure
to feel like everything is handled
to be able to afford a brand new prius and a really nice apt when the time comes (with exposed brick and hardwood floors)
to be flirted with by the cute guys
to know what the hell to do with my life and the courage to do it
to live by my principles and not sell out
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